Problem Resolution Help And Advice
We care about how our customers experience our services. This is the reason why we are a responsive team who would like to listen to your feedback and get back to you. Our “Code of Complaints” will help you get in touch with us for all your needs on Internet and phone services. You come to us with a problem and we will ensure that you always get an appropriate solution in a reasonable time frame. Do contact us and we will make sure that there would be no reason for your dissatisfaction.
What is the time frame needed for activating my account?
We aim to provide you services in a fast paced manner. Our service personnel would get in touch with you to attempt installation within one business day after you make a request for a new individual connection. Once the connection is installed, you are all set to go as we activate your account immediately. However, if your request is to connect a whole building, you will have to preorder with us, and this may take longer than one business day. In case you have any queries, do contact us on our customer support helpline at 9312-166-166. Alternatively, you may contact us on email at support@praction.in.
What is the procedure of processing my final bill on termination of my connection?
The charges on your final invoice after the cancellation of your connection will depend on the type of package you have opted for at the time of registration. Rates and charges applicable on your broadband plan will have to be paid on your final invoice.
This invoice will be generated on the 15th of the month after you terminate your connection with us.
For any further queries you may have on invoice generation and payment, do contact us on our customer support helpline on 9312-166-166 or email us at account@praction.in.